Sunday, April 6, 2008


I'm the mother of 4 beautiful girls! AND fixing to be a grandmother too!
I am married to the most wonderful man in the world! As of 1999, he was a single man, no children, since, 1999, he has become a father to 4 beautiful girls and fixing to be a grandfather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL oh, the grey hairs on his head now...

Love ya Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Noboyz said...

I'm learning...


Leigh Ann said...

This is, say you want to post with a picture just click on the little landscape icon and it will take you to a browse section and you can search your computer.

Can I put this up on our loser blog and you can have the girls come and visit?

Alos, for a slide show click on create a slide show from my family one and it will walk you thru it and then you copy and paste into your post's sounds a lot harder than it is:)

Noboyz said...

ok woman, you may have to help me get it going and then I will learn....
you can put on the blog....
just let them know I am learning...
can you take the picture from the other site???

Leigh Ann said...

Yes, I think you can copy anything on anyones blog and add it to yours...

You can also turn off this word verification...under posting on your dashboard.

Tina said...

YAY Marci!!

Kathi said...

Hi, Marci; welcome to BloggerLand! You'll love it when you get the hang of it; it's really easy..just ask if you need help

Noboyz said...

Thanks Leigh Ann, Tina and Kathi...
I'm learning....

Anonymous said...

Marci...I love your blog and all the pics :) What a beautiful family :D Congrats at reaping the benefits of motherhood...grandmotherhood :D Your husband seems like a keeper, as you said!!!

Noboyz said...

Thanks Brenda, and I fuss about him sometimes, but he is definitely a keeper... :)