Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mylee and Priceless Pictures.....


Noboyz said...

I cannot measure the joy, when I downloaded these pictures....
My Mom's sister wo is a "Catholic Nun".... prays for well being of everyone... and the joys of everyone....
then "Paw Paw June"... just longing for love he needs now, that was set aside years ago... he knows now about sacrifice... about love, about trust....
and he cherishes each moment with Mylee... and what peace it brings to his life....


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

wow Marci :) love the pics!! and a Nun in the family :) She's beautiful! And there's Leigh Ann's dad too!

Tina said...

Love the pictures Marci!! And what a beautiful little thing she is!!!

Leigh Ann said...


Great pictures and she is so sweet.

You have a generous heart for the Spears' and that amazes me!

Thank you for including Dad in Mylees life:)