Monday, October 6, 2008

One little hint

Can you guess what I will be...
stinky stinky, but not a bee!!!


Tina said...

ONG!!! TOOO CUTE...just keep her away from my house... ive had enuff skunk for one year... hahahaha.

...awww she can come if she wants... sweet lil Mylee!

Anonymous said...

Awww precious...Tina I couldn't figure it out...but now, yes, I see a little skunk....just so sweet Marci...I can see you just snuggling all day with her

Leigh Ann said...

ROF...Tina that is HILARIOUS!!!

She is too sweet!

Leigh Ann said...

look at my sweet little cousin.
i miss her so much!!
i cant wait till i see you guys again!!
i love you!
tell everyone i said hi and that i love them!!