Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How sad is this...

Plan B--Morning-After Pill Approved for Over-the-Counter Use


Noboyz said...

I'm sorry, I just so this on the news... that 16 and 17 years old can use this instead of a condom!
it's not teaching our children anything..

believe me... I know the consequences... and
I LIKE HER!!!!! MYLEE JUNE you my baby are a welcomed joy in my life!!!!!!!

Kathi said...

I was FLOORED when I heard this, too; you're right, we're not teaching teens anything by having that readily available...and you know damn well teens are gonna do you know what left and right...we're gonna end up surpassing Africa in the AIDS epidemic (not to mention all the other STDs)

Kathi said...

You can absolutely tell I'm Irish, by just how opinionated I am...

Stephanie said...

Oh, Marci....Very sad, what is making the news. I also know for a fact that in a particular state, a 12-year-old girl can go to the doctor with her mom, request to speak to the doc alone, and get a Depo shot because she has started to have sex with her boyfriend...TWELVE YEARS OLD! I HOPE my little girl/not-so-little boy will come talk to me...and not a stranger. I am a pro-lifer...this stuff enrages me.

Stephanie said...

Kathi, you're not the only one who is, I rather think everyone on the blog is....!!! :) We like it!

Tina said...

EGADS... what an incredibly disappointing decision. This country is going to hell in a handbasket... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Here's something most people don't know about...the Susan Kolman 3 day breast cancer walk...the reason they charge so much "buy in" to walk...there overhead is HUGE and it's not all going to breast cancer research...I came across their books....they give monies to planned parenthood...abortion :( This is true and a fact..that's why our family supports the cancer society..their monies are truely for the causes

Stephanie said...

Well, that is appalling, Brenda. I wondered, with Susan Komen being such a big group....