Friday, April 24, 2009

Tomorrow is the BIG day

Money Raised
Team Fundraising Goal: $5,000.00
Total Raised: $27,770.00


Members Recruited
Recruitment Goal: 30
Members Recruited: 29

Gabrielle Reece

Join our team! We are walking to raise money for Epilepsy Research.

Team Members:
Total Raised $27,770.00
General Team Donation $25,345.00
Marcia LeBlanc Buker $1,750.00
Jed Berry $120.00
Ishalyn Broussard $20.00
Madison Buker $20.00
Mike Buker $20.00
Amy Dixon $20.00
Lorna Gautreaux $20.00
Sandy Gensiak $20.00
Connie Granier $20.00
Tessa Johnson $25.00
Rhonda King $25.00
Angela LeBlanc $40.00
Kyle LeBlanc $20.00
Renee' LeBlanc $20.00
Jill Marabella $20.00
Melissa Marchand $20.00
Courtney Mayeux $20.00
Erin Mayeux $20.00
Kelly Mayeux $20.00
Sydney Mayeux $20.00
dina nunez $20.00
Brandy Ordoyne $20.00
Faye Ordoyne $20.00
Roger Oubre $45.00
Carmen Ramber $50.00
Stacey Schexnaydre $20.00
Katelynne Spears $20.00
Samantha Spears $20.00
Tarra Tynes $20.00
Lady Schexnaydre $70.00


Noboyz said...

Hey guys!

WOW... I am not going to sleep tonight...
I went to Walmart... got everything done... MB is on his way back on the things I didn't think about, charcoal, lighter fluid, ketchup, mayo, mustard, and can beer..!!! GOSH!!! I forgot beer!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shame on me!
we are also heading to his camp afterwards for a family weekend, and crawfish boil, and we will pick blackberries on Sunday to make jelly! YUM!

Thanks SOOOOO much for everyones support.... I just copied and pasted who was walking on the team... and we were so successful with outside donations!
Love you all,
am so looking forward to my phone ringing the entire time I walk!

Noboyz said...

MB is showering.... I'm sipping beers! I can't sleep!

we are all packed up... we have 6 ice chests.... 2 tents, 16 chairs.. hopefully others will bring more...
I brought, coloring books, colors from my office, balls, and bubbles.. magnets, cups, road atlas'... My boss really donated LOTS!!!!!!!!
He is wonderful...
Of course he wants me to write someone up! LOL I"ll be working as well!

Tina said...


The virtual team did the 5K in great time, like a bit less than 60 minutes!! We had a great (even if chilly) walk.

We love that we were able to be there in spirit Marci!! Hope you all had a great great time!!

Noboyz said...

we did good too
I took a picture of my time
Will post tomorrow
I think we were right on pace with each other

Anonymous said...

what a great event :) It was all about you Gabbi and your epilepsy and for those others who have it..and for your family who loves and supports your little life ..Glad to have a role in your team...Love to all of you!!