Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Yard Work


Noboyz said...

A simple project turned into a MAJOR one...
LOL the sega palm... was overtaking my dining room window... so we decided last minute to dig up and move this big mama jamma... LOL

it had about 15 babies under it....
OMG... we are trying to repot and regroup on the babies.. and find them a new home....

I LOVED my day today... all in the yard... and I am sunburnt!

Anonymous said...

MARCI!! WOW WEE! Here I am on the computer doing some research and once in awhile..stop by to see if you put up the yard pics :) What a huge job that had to be getting that palm moved!! I love the border gardens :) And what looks like a little girl stepping stones...very nice!! Can't wait to enjoy it all in person :)

Tina said...

OH HELL!! THAT would have been ajob!! whooo wee.... dont tire MB out too much...he has to have energy for this weekend! LOL

Ashley said...

Got your message late last night, and it was so good to hear your voice. Happy late Mothers Day! Now I got your # now so i'll give u a call in the next wk or so. Love ya and we (me Jen & u) are gonna have to get together one day soon!