When the Junior's had their ring ceremony KK was home in bed after the car accident and then in the hospital having Mylee.... I surprised her tonight with her Senior Ring, which she thought she was getting in August... I am so proud of the woman she has become!
I love you KK!!! and I am proud of you and Mylee....
What an incredible moment! Marci you are one heck of a mom AND gramma! I hope KK and Mylee appreciate how lucky and special they are! What a great family!!!
I have 4 daughters ranging in age from 8 to 20... and also have a grand daughter who is 1 year old.
Mike, thanks for the last 10 years! It's been a great ride! LOL
and sorry I have another photo shoot scheduled!!!!
When the Junior's had their ring ceremony KK was home in bed after the car accident and then in the hospital having Mylee.... I surprised her tonight with her Senior Ring, which she thought she was getting in August... I am so proud of the woman she has become!
I love you KK!!! and I am proud of you and Mylee....
What an awesome mom you are Marci!! And gramma :)
I am so proud of all of you and feel very blessed to now be a part of ya'lls life.
You two will make me cry...
thanks... support is great!
I am very blessed to have all of you in my life as well....
What an incredible moment! Marci you are one heck of a mom AND gramma! I hope KK and Mylee appreciate how lucky and special they are! What a great family!!!
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